Where the Taste Matures

Since 1956, with the clean air, the Bora wind and the careful supervision of our masters, we offer you exquisite sensations in the form of delicious and captivating ruby red slices…

Where Flavor Matures

Since 1956, we have been offering you the pleasure of truly delicious, ruby-red, and juicy slices of enticing aroma, made with pure air, the bora wind, and careful supervision by our masters.

Mastery Skills

In one place, we have gathered the knowledge of our masters, where we share it with you.

The Art of Slicing Prosciutto

Hand-sliced prosciutto has always been a special culinary experience, and slicing prosciutto is a true skill.

Do you know what tyrosine is?

Sometimes, on sliced prosciutto, white spots without odor or taste may appear. These are crystals of the amino acid tyrosine, which indicate a high level of maturity of the prosciutto.

Such a slice of prosciutto is of exceptional quality with a special gastronomic value that can be compared to vintage wines.

Recipes with a touch of the Karst region

It’s time to enchant. Your loved ones. And your taste buds. Mouth-watering recipes are waiting for you.

Since 1956

The roots of the Kras prosciutto factory date back to the 1950s when the former agricultural cooperative started organized prosciutto production.


Since 1956

The roots of the Kras prosciutto factory date back to the 1950s when the former agricultural cooperative started organized prosciutto production.


Presliced Range for Every Occasion

Time is precious. We value it by allowing the prosciutto to mature. And we value yours by making it easier for you to prepare a charcuterie board that will enchant.